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Vaping: What are the effects on our health?

10/14/2022  /   Beginners Corner , Vaping News

Vaping: what are the effects of the electronic cigarette to our health ?

Since its appearance on the French market in 2005, the electronic cigarette has become a practical and consistent form of consumption, like tobacco. To a point in 2020, more than 37% from the age of 18 - 75 have declared experimenting with the e-cigarette. 

Vaping is often compared to smoking tobacco as many consumers associate the e-cigarette as a substitute for the classic cigarette. However, given that the harmful effects of tobacco on health are no longer proven, it is plausible to ask questions about the effects of vaping on health

So, does vaping really present risks to health like the cigarette? Is it really better for health to favour the e-cigarette over tobacco? Le Petit Vapoteur, specialists in the world of vape are here to help you understand more clearly about these issues in complete transparency.

Vaping: a solution to give up smoking?

In France, the market of electronic cigarettes has first of all conquered smokers of tobacco. Many have seen that vaping is a solution to help reduce or even stop the consumption of tobacco. This is right as the Ministry of Health and Prevention via their Tobacco Info Service site “We now think that vaping can help you reduce your tobaccoism and stop smoking”.

Consult our guide for the best support during your smoking withdrawal !

The utilisation of the electronic cigarette in view of smoking cessation also maintains a certain tolerance among health professionals. But, certain specialists (addictologist, tobacco specialist…) see vaping as an efficient substitute for tobacco cigarettes. Depending on the person, the e-cigarette allows smokers who find it hard to give up tobacco and allows a lighter nicotine dosage in the objective of progressive withdrawal.

Vaping, is it less dangerous than the cigarette ?

The health impact of vaping in comparison to conventional cigarettes, things do seem clearer. Although there is not yet a study on the risks of prolonged consumption of electronic cigarettes compared to tobacco, vaping would still present less risk of serious pathologies.

In the combat “ Electronic cigarette VS Tobaccoism” we have our favourite!

And for good reason, the carcinogenic elements contained in cigarette smoke (carbon monoxide, arsenic, chromium, fine particles, benzene) are not present in e-cigarette aerosols at levels which are considered dangerous to health. The website of the Tabac Info Service concludes that “according to current scientific knowledge it seems that vaping is much less dangerous for health than tobacco”. The government’s website states that it is possible to “use the e-cigarette without taking the risk for your short term health”

Tabac Info Servicea “(much) better place for vaping on the new website”

Despite the lack of concrete studies on the subject, Tabac Info Service hypotheses that the electronic cigarette, with e liquids, is much less dangerous than the traditional cigarette. However, this entity recommends consuming the e-cigarette:

  • Only by choosing products certified by AFNOR (French Standardisation Association)
  • With the aim of definitively quitting tobacco
  • By completely quitting tobacco, meaning avoiding alternating between vaping and smoking
  • By considering serious prospects of completely quitting both tobacco and vaping in the short or medium term

Note that while vaping seems to help smokers quit smoking, e-cigarettes are not recommended:

  • For people who have never smoked
  • For people who have already successfully quit smoking completely
  • For minors
  • For pregnant women as a precautionary measure

If you have consulted a specialist to quit smoking without success and are considering switching to vaping to quit tobacco definitively, Le Petit Vapoteur explains how to choose your e-cigarette to get started.

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