Black Fairdays

The fight against precariousness
Les Restos du cœur
Already collected
The fight against precariousness and aimed to bring assistance to deprived people
Animal Protection
La Tannière
Already collected
Welcomes animals that have suffered from distress or abandonment to this zoology park
Child Protection
Action Enfance
Already collected
To welcome, protect and educate children in difficulty or in danger
Les Voiles Ecarlates
Already collected
Associated with the preservation of oceans and prevention of juvenile delinquency
Preservation of the environment
The Coral Planters
Already collected
Preserve, develop and document the coral reefs and oceans
Planète Urgence
Already collected
Preservation of the forest and biodiversity
Child Health
Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque
Already collected
Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque operates on disadvantaged children with heart malformations

From the 17th to 24th November 2023, Le Petit Vapoteur invites you to participate on the website or in our stores in “Black Fairdays”. A solidarity operation which allows thanks to your purchases, to support an association of your choice.

8 days to change everything 

After 5 editions which have allowed us to donate more than 1.6 million euros to different associations, Black Fairday has evolved to become The Black Fairdays. The duration of this event is prolonged to follow the trend of Black Fairday which always starts early and finishes later each year. Determined to remain an alternative to the excesses of this commercial period, this operation maintains its philosophy by allowing you to console differently to give meaning to your purchases. It aligns itself with a civic and responsible approach which promotes a more solidarity based economy. 

During 8 days, Black Fairdays supports Action Enfance, Les Restaurants du Cœur, Les Voiles Écarlates, Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque, Planète Urgence, The Coral Planters and le Zoo-refuge La Tanière. How ? Thanks to you, for each purchase on our website or in one of our stores, Le Petit Vapoteur will donate 5€ to one of the participating associations.

To beat the record in 2022, 410 798 € of donations, we are counting on your mobilisation. Together we can prove for the 6th time that Petit Vapôteurs have heart !

Participate on the website and in our LPV stores!

You will have understood the principle operation which is very simple: 1 personal purchase = 5 € for an association ! To participate on our website, all you have to do is place an order from the 17th November 9:00 am to 24th of November 23.59 pm. 

Once your order has been validated , you will have access on the confirmation page a dedicated space which allows you to choose an association you wish to offer €5 made by your purchase. If you do not have a preference, you can click on the “Let Le Petit Vapoteur choose” to share the donation between all the associations. 

It will also be possible to participate in Black Fairdays by going to one ofLPV stores. All purchases that are made from the 17/11/23 to 24/11/23 will also go towards the association's pot. 

At the end of the operation, Le Petit Vapoteur engages to donate all of the donations generated by your purchases, according to your choices.

The Associations

The Black Fairdays support seven associations, working in different fields.



Les Restaurants du Cœur (6th participation).  

Founded in 1985 by Coluche, les « Restos du Cœur » is aimed to help and bring assistance to deprived people. The association works particularly in the fooding field which gives access to free meals. It also participates in the social reintegration and economy as well as actions against poverty. 



Zoo-refuge La Tanière (3rd participation)

The Zoo-refuge La Tanière is not a zoology park like any other. Without any lucrative goals, its unique objective is to welcome animals that have suffered from distress, abandonment or chaotic difficulties. All is done to provide them with the care, protection and well being and dignity so that they can finally live peacefully.



Action Enfance (1st participation) 

Founded in 1958 by Suzanne Masson and Bernard Descamps, Action Enfance has a mission to protect, welcome and educate children in the long term, from a young age to adulthood in great difficulty or in danger. Within its “Villages” throughout France, the association welcomes them, brothers and sisters together, in a stable, protective and warm environment.



Les Voiles Écarlates (1st participation)

Since 1997, Les Voiles Écarlates navigate with people in difficulty, fragile by diverse circumstances. Based in Cherbourg-en Cotentin in Manche, the association works in particular with the prevention of juvenile delinquency and the association's goal is to promote intergenerational ties. 



Planète Urgence (5th participation)

Created in 2000, Planète Urgence is a recognised public NGO which aims to strengthen people for a united and sustainable planet through the preservation of forests and biodiversity dangers. With the development of local communities and environmental awareness. 



The Coral Planters (1st participation)

The Coral Planters gives itself the mission to preserve the planet’s coral reef and by extension, the incredible marine biodiversity that it shelters. In this context they restore reefs, survey their evolution and raise awareness amongst the general public about their importance, as well as the threat associated with their disappearance. 



Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque (5th participation)

Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque operates on disadvantaged children with heart malformations who are living in countries where surgical interventions are impossible and have the lack of means. Accommodations with family hosts and operate in 9 surgical centres around France, 3,500 children have been operated in since the creation of this association in 1996. .



Focus on the previous Black Fairday Editions

The mobilisation of Petits Vapoteurs during the first four editions of Black Fairday made it possible to raise more than 1 million euros in total! A magnificent sum entirely donated to the participating associations.

First Edition (2018)

The first edition of BLack Fairday started on the 23rd November 2018 with 6 associations: Hugo et Emma, un combat pour la vie, Ecophylle, Les Restos du Cœur, le Secours populaire, le Sidaction and La SPA - Société Protectrice des Animaux. At the end of the day, more than 200 000 euros was raised. The donations were given directly to each association during a day dedicated to solidarity.  

Black Fairday 2018

Second Edition (2019)

On the 29th November 2019, you supported the second edition of Black Fairday and reached a sum of 276 746 euros, more than 70 000 euros than in 2018 ! The associations La Chaîne de l'espoir, la Société Protectrice des Animaux (SPA), Les Restaurants du Cœur, Planète Urgence, Les Blouses Roses, APF France Handicap and Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque each received their donation on the day of their arrival at the LPV Headquarters.

Remise des dons Black Fairday 2019

Third Edition (2020)

Third edition, third record of donations ! A new record, on the 27th of November 2020, the Petits Vapoteurs responded this time to increase the total amount of the pot to 365 344 € ! The associations Cetasea, La Chaîne de l'espoir, la Société Protectrice des Animaux (SPA), Les Restaurants du Cœur, Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque, Planète Urgence and Sourire d'enfant each received there cheques in the warehouse of the Petit Vapoteur.

Black Fairday 2020 - La SPA

Fourth Edition (2021)

While Black Fairday was reserved for the website, this fourth edition for the first time participated in our LPV stores. This reunion of Petit Vapoteur customers allowed the increase of donations to a total of 383 000 euros ! The donations was presented on the 16th of December 2021 to seven participating associations:  La Chaîne de l'espoir, Make a Wish, Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque, Planète Urgence, Les Restaurants du Cœur, la Société Protectrice des Animaux (SPA) and le Zoo Refuge La Tanière.

Black Fairday 2021

Fifth Edition (2022)

The fifth edition of Black Friday took place on the 25th of November 2022. La Chaîne de l’Espoir, Les Restaurants du Cœur, Planète Urgence, Rêves, Zoo-refuge La Tanière and Mécénat Chirurgie cardiaque, this operation once again reached a brand new record, passing the bar to 400 000 euros (410 798 €). The donations, symbolised by the traditional giant check, were given to the representatives of the associations during their visit to Cherbourg on 08/12/2022.

Black Fairday 2022