At Le Petit Vapoteur (« we »), we are very attentive to respecting your private life and commit to keeping your data confidential which are one of our priorities. 

We have established to this present day a Privacy Policy (« Political ») to be transparent about how we collect and use data from our customers or visitors in our stores or on-line sales« https://www.lepetitvapoteur.com/en/ » (« the website ») and to inform your of the different rights. 

Once we collect your information, all of our team ensures:

  • To use your information in a licit, loyal, and transparent manner. 
  • To uniquely collect the necessary information to the gestion of products, our sales and out internet website.
  • To conserve your information for the time strictly necessary to achieve the objectives of processing and to regularly update the data we have on you. 

The complete present policy is integrally part of the General Terms and Conditions of the (https://www.lepetitvapoteur.com/en/) website, and is completed with the cookies management policy.


Who is responsible for the utilisation of your information?

Le Petit Vapoteur (situated at 325C Rue du Sauxmarais 50110 Tourlaville) (« we ») and in particular Mr Tanguy GREARD is responsible for the treatment of personal data with our vaping customers and people who visit the website (« you »).




Personal Data: Exactly what is this?

Personal data is information which allows you to be identified, directly or indirectly; it can consist of your surname, first name, postal and electronic address as well as your navigation data or preferences.


The data controller: Who is it?

This is the person from the company who decides the treatment of your personal data and determines how it gets treated.

Why do you use the information?

  • To check that you are of the legal age required (18 years of age) to purchase vaping materials.
  • To effectuate your compatibility.
  • To manage our loyalty program
  • To receive offers and new information concerning the company To manage unpaid debts and disputes that may arise 
  • To organise operational promotions

  • To effectuate necessary operations in relationships, which means

> Handle contracts which are linked to us. 

> Respond effectively to your orders.

> Effectuate the delivery of your products and to issue your invoices.

  • To respond to your demands 
  • To manage your reviews of our products and services.

The activities corresponding to our legal and contractual obligations as a merchant of vaping products.

It also aims to respond to our legitimate interest of communicating with you and to propose commercial prospects, especially when you have agreed.

What is the personal information that you use?

In order to treat the procedure as mentioned above, we collect the following information:

  • Your name and surname 
  • Your date of birth 
  • Your postal address and electronic address 
  • Your telephone number and mobile number
  • Your purchasing history 
  • Your preferred products 
  • Your navigation information

With whom do you share our information? 

  • Our team members

Your information is accessible to authorized people by their function (such as marketing, commercial, logistics, and web) as well as our control and litigation department.

  • Our sub-contractors 

We transmit your information to our sub-contractors, responsible for processing it on our behalf and presenting the guarantees which are necessary for their protection, such as our carriers (Colissimo, Chronopost),or the company Avis-Vérifiés who are in charge of collecting your reviews and comments, the company Shipup, parcel tracking, the Prestshop company, e-commerce software and also Asen Retail (cash register for the LE PETIT VAPOTEUR stores). 

  • Our partners

You information may also be transmitted to our trusted partners who work with Le Petit Vapoteur and applying all the confidential and appropriate measure such as the companies Ladvise, Instaply, Aircall, Devatics, Splio, Contentsquare ou Dotlist. 

  • Payment providers  

Your information is directly collected by our payment service providers: Credit Agricole and PayPal, Checkout and Alma. They collect, treat, and use the payment information to supply payment services for each user who wish to order products on the website. The payment information will be treated by our service providers in the strictest security procedure which is applicable in the e-commerce sector. The transactions are effectuated by a secure and crypted procedure depending on the state of art.

  • Other organisations

We may also transmit your information to other organisations, judicial assistants, and ministerial offices when the law requires us to.  

How long do you conserve the information?  

We do not conserve your information indefinitely: like fading smoke, we delete your information once we no longer need it. For example, we use your customer information for the duration of the business relationship, also three years after our last contact (whether you are a prospect or customer).

We can conserve the information for longer if we need to establish proof of rights or to conserve under legal obligation. This information can also be archived which means separately from other information and for a period of time in accordance with legal obligations or deadlines provided by the law. As well as the necessary data for the management orders and invoicing are kept for the duration of commericial relationships, ten (10) years under the necessary obligations. 

Again, in the context of prospection the data conserved does not exceed for more than 3 years from the end of the contractual or commercial relationships, the closure of your Customer account or delivery of your last order placed on the website. 

We have elaborated a Conservation Policy which you can access to by contacting us at the following address: [email protected].

What are you rights over the information? 

You have a number of rights over the information and the use made of it. You can ask for access, rectification of if necessary, erasure of your information. It is also possible in certain cases to oppose the treatment of your information or request limitation.

You can also ask if the information you have communicated to us be given in a structured and machine-readable format, this is called the right to portability.

In another register, you can also establish the set guidelines (general or particular) for your data after your demise, and these instructions can be registered with a trusted third party; certified by the National Commission for Data Protection (CNIL)

For more information about your rights, we invite you to consult the website :CNIL

If in any case you estimate that we do not respect your rights or obligations, you can directly effectuate a reclamation with the CNIL services.

How to contact us?



 You can exercise your rights or ask us questions concerning the utilisation of your personal information at the following address: [email protected]. by stating which right you wish to excersie:

  • Right to access or information
  • Right rectification
  • Right of limitation
  • Right to object
  • Right to erase data
  • Right of Portability
  • Other

In the event of exercising one of the aforementioned rights, you must attach a copy, front/back of your identitiy document (driving license, passport or residency permit). 

We are committed in treating your request as soon as possible.